Saturday, May 26, 2012

Another Desert Spring Post :oP

And I'm back! The move was completely successful and nothing went up in flames! We are completely loving our new home and El Paso! As Annie would say, "I think I'm gonna like it here." :o) For some odd reason I feel at peace here and editing has been going very well and quick! So now I am all caught up on pictures from before the move!

A while back I think I mentioned my hubby running the Warrior Dash up near Phoenix. The road took us straight through this amazing desert in the midst of spring! So on the way home we stopped and I snapped some images. After seeing a dead snake (or maybe just it's skin) on the road at some point during the trip I had to make this quick and productive but all the while being very away of my surroundings. Above is just a general view of the area and it made me realize how much I like the desert. During my first trip to Tucson in, like, 2004 I was very unimpressed with the desert and just did not like it. But I'm all about giving second chances (and many more, as I keep trying with seafood :oP) and completely immersed myself in the potential beauty of the desert. So worth it! So I hope you like a few of the images I'm posting here. As always you can visit my flickr for all the rest :o)

 Okay so it's not a desert bloom but I wonder what it's story is. :oP

These blooms in their budding state all wrapped up like that remind me of costumes: satin-y, intricately placed, shimmering fabric. Well the color is also a bit balletic :o)

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