Tuesday, July 17, 2012

26/52 Friendship

I was SO excited for week 26's theme as it could not have come at a more perfect time. I finally met my friend Lauren, in person, while up in Washington. We both danced with WCB but she moved shortly before I arrived. Thankfully she found me online maybe four or five years ago and we have been wonderful friends since! She is a gorgeous photographer (check out her page!) and very much inspired me to upgrade from my little point and shoot with manual features to a beautiful d-slr camera!

One the exciting parts about going up to Washington to do the WCB alumni performances was that I knew she would be at one of them in the audience supporting her friends she once knew and some (like me!) that she hadn't met yet! Seeing her in person was just a highlight of my trip. She's beautiful, carries herself elegantly, contagious smile, and sweet voice; just an absolute gem! And while our meeting was a bit brief due to it being rather late at night the time I spent talking with her was very cherished by me.

While in Omaha my sister and I went on a bike ride to boys town. On the way home (and down a rather big hill) I saw all these lilies basking in the beautiful sunset light (Oh it was glorious and I can't wait to get to those images and show you!). But right when I saw the lilies I had to stop (as my sister zoomed down the hill! eek! Sorry sissie!) for I knew Lauren loves lilies and it was the best way to symbolize my friendship with her. :o)

I do hope to one day go on a little photography trip with her, maybe even up in the PNW, and make some more memories but for now I'll hold onto the fun, short night we had to stand and chat! :o)

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