Friday, July 13, 2012

Washington's A Wrap!

These are the remaining images I have to share with you from Washington (next up, Omaha)! After ballet rehearsal one day we decided to check out this park nearby, Titlow Park. Gorgeousness! Short walk through a wooded area dumps you off on a beach, what more could you ask for? The temperature and sunshine were absolutely perfect for the day (this is actually the same day as the waterfront entry below!).

Sidenote: any image I am in my mom took, so I'm not completely responsible for the awesomeness she is providing on this post :o)

Baby and her Oma! They had a wonderful time together while I 'worked.' :o)

Ah, the 'galloping' bridge :o)

Starting her collection with a couple kisses breaks for Oma <3

Alright, if you are on the main page, there's a page break here since this is a bit image heavy of a post, but if you are on this post's individual page, just ignore this! :o)

We headed over to the Point Defiance Zoo one morning. Of course end of the school year field trips were going on :oP

Haha, best carousel picture we got of her :oP Not too sure why I am looking like a goof when Zoey isn't over there to make faces to :oP

Wearing my shoes :oP

On the parade field at Fort Lewis on a very sunny day (hence the horrible settings on my part, but I'm learning right? Just didn't want to pass up showing you all another fun day we had because the technique wasn't perfect!).

Capture the flag!

Ah! Baby kisses!!!

I'll be honest here, editing grass and all the green was tough, I'm not used to it. :oP I tried though and while I still wish these came out a little grander (like the Lakewold and waterfront images) I still love the moments captured <3 Also loved LAYING in the grass for a while! I do miss it (especially without fire ants!).

Ta-ta Washington, you were absolutely incredible and brought back every wonderful memory I ever had there. It was very surreal but amazing to be back. I hope to become more comfortable flying with Zoey so I can visit more often, I do so love it there! <3


  1. Three GORGEOUS ladies. What a beautiful day, and beautiful pictures that captured it! <3 I just love your collages!
