My family and I went to Bisbee, AZ after Christmas and it definitely was not what I was thinking. Moving to the desert you expect to be on flat land able to see the horizon. Well that is (thankfully) not what I got. And the same for Bisbee. It's a fun little hippie, mining town. First thing we did was drive past the exit for the main street to the hole in the ground from all the mining. Wow. It's not quite like the quarry in Indiana on the way to St. Joseph, MI but it was pretty fun to see! I love the parallel patterns and the shades of the etched out rock.
First stop we had to make was at the Bisbee Coffee Co. I had their mexican hot chocolate and a southwestern BLT. Oh was that a perfect lunch and just the fuel I needed to go check out the many shops in the one block vicinity from the coffee shop.
My little daughter has started making this face. I can't get over the adorableness of it. I love how her eyebrows arch and her nose crinkles. It's her latest 'mom's got the camera better make my silly face' look! :oP
That smile is going to get her a pony, I just know it.
Looking down the street at the Bisbee Coffee Co. with the Christmas lights twinkling.
We've been watching How I Met Your Mother on Netflix so when I saw the lions on this building I had to get a picture :oP
I love the blue sky and orange brick contrast.
Someone started getting sleeping. And while she never fell asleep she felt refreshed after about thirty minutes of cuddling on her daddy!
Oh, my ham!
While I'm not going to make any comments on the 'Occupy' thing (I like to keep politics to myself or in person) I do like the colors of this. I'm not even a big skull fan, haha.
But I do like pianos and wish I had the coordination to play!
And the sunset from that night.
Our snowy mountains!
I am enjoying your journey!